2012年5月23日 星期三

Add your year-ago text messages to Timehop!

timehop: Add your year-ago text messages to Timehop!
Your conversations unlocked

Smart and simple

Once you set them up, text message conversations will appear in timehop grouped by person and ordered chronologically with your other social content.

Introducing text messages, our favorite feature yet.

That's right! Your timehop experience can now include your text messages from a year ago!

Your text messages are a rich part of your personal history. They capture the most important parts of our lives—the moments and stories shared with close friends.

Our team has been using this feature for several months now and we've found it incredibly powerful, and rather addictive too. We think you'll agree.

Setup is quick and easy, so get started now!

Get your year-ago texts! We love you! Abe & team timehop
This isn't funny, but you should read it.

We take privacy and security very seriously. Your text messages remain 100% private unless you choose to share them. Your text message data is encrypted and secured with bank level security. We collect your personal data to build a rich digital history experience that you love, not to sell it to third parties. For more, refer to our privacy policy.

You can also change your settings on the site or unsubscribe.



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